Greetings reader! My name is Jakob, I am 17 years old and have lived in Missouri my entire life. When I was young my family moved from closer to Saint Louis to the surrounding outskirts. Throughout my formative years I have always excelled at English language arts and have created narratives in my mind to pass time. But I have never taken myself seriously and began unloading my ideas into poetry. The past ten years of my life have been chaotic and only recently has that storm truly passed. My collection of poetry is multifaceted and allows insight into what I hold dear. Ever since I was young I have looked for a medium for my thoughts and only recently have I been truly successful. My Garbled Amalgamation is precisely my tool to help me close a few chapters in my life that have been open a few years too long ago.
My collection contains 95 poems. These poems range from a single stanza about the inevitability of time, to a sixteen stanza poem about never-ending monotony. My writing is a medium for my thoughts and feelings and therefore I am indiscriminate in my subject matter. My mission for writing all of these poems is for every reader to be able to choose a single poem they can take away something positive from. My motivation behind writing poems every day comes in two different waves. The first of which being of extroversion and analysis of the world around me and the second being an internal introspection of thoughts and emotions, as opposed to things. Each poem captures a moment in time and, in my opinion, there is at least one poem for any reader to enjoy inside my portfolio. My collection explores themes of enduring occupations, enjoying time for leisure, creating happy memories, and the negativity that comes from life. My writing is strange, I must admit. I have written many of my poems as if they were short stories only ones with a limited word or syllable structure. My first section of poems is Haikus and are typical of comedic or moral value. I have also written Haikus to set enough imagery to leave you with a complete thought, for instance, the impending doom of an alien invasion or the levity of students in China climbing a mountain to reach their schoolhouse. My free-form poems are the true crown jewel of my collection. Ranging from sentimental anecdotes, a tale about a stoupored buccaneer, the analysis of carpet patterns in my school's library, or a Vietnamese mans’ after-work routine. I made sure to never leave a stone unturned on purpose and try my best to write a poem about any thought that came to me. I wrote a single sonnet entitled “Scarlet’s Sonnet” and it is the entire morning routine of a woman named Scarlet who is living in Harlem, New York City, and working at an immigrant-owned deli. My limericks are almost all conveying triumphancy and some even acknowledge the obstacle they faced. My tanka poems mostly explore the theme of history and what is on the morally right side of it. I have also managed to have a common theme of relating somehow to nature in the rest of these poems. For instance, I have a series of six tanka poems that each highlight important things from the throes of the Cold War with the USSR in the 1950’s to the social discourse of the LA Riots in the 1990s. As I previously mentioned, the rest of my tankas are set in nature, from my own recounting of Irish folklore behind Jack ‘O’ Lanterns or why the reader should book a flight to Japan in the spring. I aim for these pieces of literature to be the epoxy that holds my mission statement together so the more creative or outlandish the better. It is important to me that my reader is able to have a connection with something I write.

The squares of carpet
Inside of my schools library
They all have patterns
Rotating between four designs
Part are static lines
Others are frayed dots
Some are little ripples
A portion are bursting rays
Yet they all share the colors
Blue, turquoise, white and grey
Love Languages
Giving and receiving gifts is a way to show you care
Finding someone to care for you can be rare
Small boxes or cards
It’s really not hard
To guard one's feelings is to miss out on love

Cedar sap irritates my forearms
I would prefer a million touches of frost
Before I am overcome with this burn
I would rather endure muggy July sweat than this itch
This is my gripe as a landscaper
Crawl inside a mossy stump
The wealth of food will make you plump
You’ll meet new friends and their friends too
We gather at the fire to bond over stew
A wondrously connected underground town
Those who inhabit hail a mossy twig crown

Have you ever wondered
Wondered about all the corners
Corners left destitute for a long while
A long while that continues to increase with every passing moment
Every passing moment is the medium for the gradual formation of cobwebs
Lonely Nooks, Disheveled Crannies

A canary colored butterfly
Hovered to perch on a mans shoulder
It was a sad day for Earth
For the two were the only living beings
One is existential and self preserving
The other is oblivious and innocent
As the seasons change
Time passes
Both entrench further in their ways
The life cycle of the butterfly ends.
Leaving the man with nothing but a chrysalis and sorrow
A Canary Colored Butterfly

Man erected a statue here long ago
Neglected by its maker
Reclaimed by its rightful owner
Vines and vegetation cover corroded stone

Dinosaurs still exist on Earth
They are very far from extinct
Go up the Nile and you'll find these prehistoric behemoths
Just don’t get too close

In a schools basement lies a bag of deflated kick balls
These balls would live more fulfilling lives with students

I love the season of carving gourds
You don't? Best barricade your home with boards!
The ghosts and goblins of the night
I couldn’t dare turn away in spite
Because I was once a creature too
Many moons ago, when my world was new

A lonely cricket chirps to himself in an auditorium
He shares the stage with only himself
Someone needs to break the silence
It's only right that he’s the one to do so
The Chirping Hour

The most desolate corners of your mind
The kind of memories that are but flashes and feelings
Perhaps a cruel mental purgatory
Torture yourself inundating in the past

Don’t swim in the Hudson
Ten second rule starts as soon as you are submerged
When you reach zero, you’ll need a clinic visit
I don't recommend swimming in the Hudson River

What makes our astronauts strap themselves to rockets?
Or encourage our fire fighter to drown in a blaze?
Is it glory, remembrance or something else entirely?
Occasionally impacting and leaving craters
Very rarely one causes the annihilation of life on a planet
Burning aimlessly
Atmosphere cushions its arrival
Miles of ice and rock

Zeppelins march across the horizon in unity.
The rage of war eats up and spits out soil.
Muck, petrol and cadaver cakes all in no man's land.
Foul smells and pestilence, rodents and scourge.
Acid rain corrodes armaments while mortars scar earth.
Fight, flight, run or freeze?

another year passed, subsequently a years perspective as well
Docked in St. John this morn’
Tavern crawls and dining halls
I enjoy my stupor, for I shall be back to work nigh
By daybreak all should be accounted for
If you quit, then so be it
But it’s a far row from home

The heavens wept on Ho Chi Minh this evening
Bao couldn’t be more ready to get off
Dank beef broth calls his nostrils from across the alley
As quick as he clocks out he's slamming pho and vodka
The Thames River monster is at it again
13 disappearances this week
One skipper, sponsored by the Queen
He will be the judge, jury, and executioner

Smog wraps around every crack and crevice in The City of Angels
As the red sun perched on the horizon
A pungent tar invades me from across the street
A nearby jackhammer deafens all noise
No matter. For I am on a mission to get home and sleep.
I despise working the graveyard shift.
I’m sure Scarlett is on her way to work right now


Mountain goat
Sturdy, Fearless
Standing, Climbing, Sliding
Natures professional rock climbers
An Ibex
Slow, Aquatic
Swimming, Dangling, Relaxing
Nature's luckiest species

Opportunist, Patient
Lurking, Leading, Destroying
Yang contrasted by yin
Motivated, Studious
Working, Learning, Building
Medium for information
Innovative, Efficient
Searching, Calling, Texting
Wealth of knowledge
Human mind

There was a hive in a tree
On that hive sat a bumblebee
The honey ran down, the bee got stuck
He couldn’t believe it, he felt like a schmuck
The fact he got stuck and might never get free

A Venetian sailor set off from his home
He accidentally landed in Rome
His objective was Greece
To find his brother named Reese
Together they'll sail the greek isles
A skyscraper sways in the breeze
“Will it fall”? Pfft, oh Please!
But just in case, let’s start a race
With haste, we’ll make pace
To a finish line on the horizon
There once was a knight on a raft
He was on a mission to stomp out witchcraft
A wizard reigned chaos on the nearby village
The necromancer won’t yield his pillage
When our hero approached, the sorcerer cackled
A young woman gave her partner a gift
Yet sadly it only caused a rift
Her gift was visibly new
And the fresh price tag too
She was caught red-handed forgetting an anniversary


The height of Cold War
Cookie cutter homes and The Red Scare
Harry Truman, Korean War
Was the birth of Rock and Roll
Color TV created

The Civil rights movement
Martin Luther King is killed
Cuban Missile Crisis
John F. Kennedy is killed
Mankind steps foot on the moon

The war in Vietnam
Watergate scandal revealed
Star Wars, Jimmy Carter
Insulin is created
Microsoft is founded
Actor president
Rock ballads and Reaganomics
Pop culture reshaped
New technology emerged
The Berlin wall is torn down
Flannel and Grunge rock
Mr Clinton, Ms Lewinsky
Los Angeles race riots
Official end of Cold War
The communication era

Book a flight to Japan
Late March to early April
Hirosaki park
See the cherry blossoms bloom
White and pastel pink rain
I'm in Wyoming
Snow blankets everything around
Cool wind attacks me
I still couldn’t feel more free
Square acreage is quite cheap out here
Abandoned buildings
It is now the witching hour
Street lights hum, distant shots
Sirens wail, the metro kicks wind
Chicago is scary at night
Barrier Island
Anna Maria Island
Is a small resort city
My hat is a momento
My sister went to Florida
War destroys many lives
Proffitteered by few
Men die where they weren’t born
Geneva for all, and yet
Some evil men got off scot free
Brick and mortar store
A good ole’ mom and pop shop
Belly of the midwest
Buckle of the bible belt
Here, you will find them

Grazing in the dusk
All the green blades dance
I eat them often
Suddenly a bright light and...
I pray that someday
We find another in the
Bright midwest summer
If there may be a cloud then
I know they shall part

Beautiful ocean
Our great coral reef is dying
Trash and pollution bleach it
Out of sight, out of mind, sadly.
A sea turtle chokes to death
When I was a boy
My grandfather yelled at me
For skinning a tree
Treat nature how you want to...
...be treated yourself

Hell’s ember in palm
Vegetable lantern
Wander the peat bogs
This limbo is so dreary
A lost soul, Jack is
Our good ole’ Uncle Sam
The big red, white, and blue cloth.
The constitution
Because our founding fathers
Land of opportunity

After a war with her alarm, a girl rolled out of bed.
Scarlet stretches with the rays bursting through the shades.
More than usual, the morning sun glowed red.
With time to spare, she put her hair in braids.
She was out the door and was on her way.
She went right, then two blocks, and took a left by the docks.
Scarlet loved taking this detour, walking down the bay.
After people-watching a while, it was officially 9 o’ clock.
Work was in the near future, so Scarlet dipped into a restroom.
She likely set world records while flying garments onto her body.
Now she prepares for nearly eight hours of holding a broom.
When her shoes hit the welcome mat, the world took a large sigh of relief.
Indicated by neon signs; the deli was open, the door chimes rang.
Over an old speaker in the break room, a Spanish woman sang
Scarlet's Sonnet
Liminal Purgatory Free Verse
A Good Ole' Fashion Who Done It Free Verse
I am lost inside an extremely monotonous office building.
Every floor is the same, all cubicles are no different, and each desk is alike.
This place is devoid of visible life except for the room I inhabit.
There seems to be no true beginning or end, every floor I ascend to is a carbon copy of the last.
Likewise, every floor I descend on drives me madder.
All interior design is minimalistic and disgustingly bland.
There is a kitchenette encapsulated in the back right of each floor plan.
So when I so chose, I have what only can be explained as; other people's packed lunches to eat.
It is a cruel trick to leave me with sustenance yet be abhorrently devoid of any substance.
I have not seen, tasted, heard, smelled, or felt anything “new” in an inexplicably long time.
So long in fact I forget who I am or why I have decided to write this very scripture.
My senses are dulled and I can only remain sane by reading the material contained in this building.
Every folder, file, spreadsheet, notebook, or piece of paper
I cannot help but wonder what cruel trick has been played upon me and why I woke up here years ago.
I will not likely unravel what is happening to me within my lifetime so I beg you, the reader, for help.
Perhaps my writing will convey my true state of despair and constant sanity eviscerating boredom to you.
The house contained a dozen people and any one of them could be the culprit
The docile Ms. Peters and the defamed Mr. Ollie are the hosts of this squalor
It seems to be this dinner party of old friends is not benign after all
There is a murderer in these corridors; weapons are contraband at this party
We must divest ourselves from this mansion to ensure our safety
Although this plan was dubious and it was conducive to the murderer's plan
Dr. Violet adjudicates the police should be arriving within the hour,
The police must go the long way around some amphibious terrain
Mr. Ollie decides after peering through diaphanous silk drapes onto the balcony
When the police arrived they figured out that good old rebellious Ms. Peters
Had got the short end of the stick when she decided to leave the mansion through the garage.
The news left everyone quite doleful for the entirety the evening


